The Financial Benefits Of Non-Ferrous Balers

Non-ferrous balers are used to process aluminium alloys, aluminium, lead, brass, zinc and copper in recycling plants.  These metals are particularly valuable as they are used to make gutters, roofing pipes and electrical cables.  The main properties of these metals are that they are not magnetic don’t contain and are more resistant to corrosion. Recycling such metals is much cheaper than extracting and processing raw materials.   All metals can be recycled many times without diminishing any of their properties.  Recycling metal is economically and environmentally sound. Approximately 24 million tonnes of aluminium is produced every year. The main producer of aluminium is Australia where resources are getting low which is why it is extremely important that we recycle it.  It is much easier to recycle metal than any other material because it is easy to sort and process. Scrap metal yards are able to make good profits reselling used non-ferrous metals due to its scrap value.  Non-ferrous metal is sold by the tonne which gives an indication of its value. Heavy copper and bright white wire are the highest value metals costing £3,900 and £4,500 respectively in 2018. 

What Are The Two Types Of Metal?

There are two types of metals ferrous and non-ferrous both can be recycled indefinitely without their properties changing or degrading. Non-ferrous metal is more valuable than ferrous metal because it does not corrode as easily. Ferrous metals contain traces of iron which rusts and needs treating in order to survive the elements.  Non-ferrous metal is used to produce high-grade items such as copper wiring which is extremely valuable. Lead is also a non-ferrous metal which is used in church rooves. Both copper and lead are stolen by thieves who want to make money by selling it for scrap. The most commonly used non-ferrous metal is aluminium which is mainly produced in Australia. Aluminium production is having a very negative effect on the environment and the resources required to produce it are diminishing.  It is easy to tell the difference between non-ferrous and ferrous metal because the former is not magnetic while the latter is.

Non-Ferrous Balers Or Shear Balers

Challenger Group builds a wide variety of non-ferrous balers which are also known as shear balers.  They are most suited to small to medium-sized scrap yards where an economical and efficient solution is required to process non-ferrous metal and bulky ferrous metal.  Non-ferrous balers are ideal for recycling car shells, scrap aluminium, stainless vessels and factory offcuts.   The shear baler produces bales which are 300 mm by 300 mm wide with varying lengths,  Non-ferrous balers can be static floor-mounted assemblies on skid frames or trailer mounted with cranes and discharge conveyors allowing them to be fully portable.  They are electric motor driven and powered by hydraulic units producing a cycle time of 30 to 120 seconds. All of our non-ferrous balers are bespoke and built to individual company’s requirements.  If you would like to find out more about non-ferrous balers contact us and we would be happy to discuss your options.