How Hydraulic Cylinders Survived The Test Of Time

When you search for information about hydraulic cylinders online you will find basic information about how they work and maybe a few remarkable machines they are incorporated into. This lack of excitement regarding hydraulic cylinders is not because they are rarely used and uninteresting. In fact the opposite is the case, hydraulic cylinders may look shinier, smarter and sleeker than they used to but ultimately they work by using the same simple push and pull principle. The reason hydraulic cylinders have not changed much over the decades is because they had a perfectly awesome design in the very beginning. Hydraulic cylinders are used everywhere and we completely take them for granted.

Maintenance Is Important

Although the concept of hydraulic cylinders have survived the test of time, individual hydraulic cylinders are used constantly making them prone to wear and tear. If your plant has a large concentration of hydraulic cylinders the majority of your maintenance costs will be used to keep the hydraulic cylinders working efficiently. The two main types of damage caused to hydraulic cylinders are; bent rods and ballooned tubes. Hydraulic cylinders need to be checked and replaced when required to ensure that your system runs efficiently at all times.

Quality Control

Approximately 25% of hydraulic cylinder damage is caused by low quality materials and construction. When you purchase hydraulic cylinders it is imperative that you purchase high quality well constructed models. Firms that are ISO 9001 accredited have quality control and product testing as part of their production process and will therefore supply you will hydraulic cylinders that are well made and are less likely to fail. If hydraulic cylinders continue to fail then manufacturers will have to reconsider the design until a reliable model is achieved.

Computer Aided Design

At Challenger Group we use computer aided design (CAD) to design our custom made hydraulic cylinders. This enables us to test our designs virtually and alter any weaknesses before they are made. We are able to guarantee the quality of our hydraulic cylinders because they are tested so vigorously and then manufactured using modern CNC machine tools. Combined with either mild or strong stainless steel (depending on your requirements) we can guarantee that our cylinders are efficient and reliable.

Custom Made Hydraulic Cylinders

All of our hydraulic cylinders are made to your specific requirements, this again guarantees that you will have a reliable and cost effective system. Our hydraulic cylinders have a bore size ranging from, 20 mm to 350 mm with a working pressure of up to 450 bar. There are a choice of four types of rod that can be manufactured from mild or strong steel and a range of extras including cartridge valves and limiters can be added to your hydraulic cylinders if required. If you would like to learn more about our hydraulic cylinders with us, contact us and we would be delighted to discuss your options.