Why IBC Reconditioning Works

Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), are used to transport a huge variety of goods, from toxic and harmful chemicals, to pet food and cleaning powders. Their diverse nature of how they are used, does however lead to problems when choosing to use reconditioning IBCs. You wouldn't want to transport food cargo where an IBC has previously been used to store chemicals.   That is where the Challenger Drumtech IBC Reprocessing Line, can provide a very effective solution which offers a relatively short term ROI depending upon volume. A significant saving can be made by using it's 8 stage process to take pre-used IBCs, and produce ready and safe to use reconditioned IBCs.   The Environmental Advantages Of IBCs The traditional alternative to an IBC, has been (for over a century), the steel drum. Back in the early 1900s the 55 gallon steel drum was the most cost effective way to store and transport liquid in bulk. However, in a modern environment steel drums have a number of significant disadvantages.   They are extremely heavy compared to an IBC The rounded corners make steel drums difficult to transport and store Steel drums take an average of 70% more warehouse space than IBCs Serious environmental issues of slow decomposition and rust   The IBC does have an increased cost over other container types, but is much easier to recondition. This means that cost of ownership can actually be reduced when using IBC reconditioning as apposed to steel drums for example. When taking into account the reduced cost of buying reconditioned IBCs, the space saving, ease of transport, and resale value, the IBC provides a relatively fast ROI for most applications.   Drumtech Drum Reconditioning System Our reconditioning station takes a used IBC through an 8 stage process to full recondition the IBC for reuse. The IBC is cleaned using high-pressure jets, resulting in a clean, dry and ready to re-deploy IBC.   More information about the Drumtech IBC reconditioning system can be found here.