Why Second Hand Machinery Can Be The Right Choice

No matter what you are planning on buying, whether it be something small or a large investment,you are always going to be looking to get the best deal whilst still getting a high quality product. At Challenger we custom-make bespoke machinery for a range of different applications. However, we also always have a selection of second hand machinery available to buy as well.

While buying brand new equipment may be the ideal for a lot of people, there are distinct advantages to buying pre-owned machinery;

-The main benefit of buying second-hand machinery is, of course, the reduced cost. Opting for more budget friendly, used machinery can be a great idea. Anything that can reduce costs is usually a priority.

-Used equipment is available immediately whereas brand new may not be.

-You may be able to locate something close to you which can reduce shipping costs

-A ‘used’ piece of machinery may have barely actually have been used. It could even mean it has never been taken out of its packaging.

-You can go and inspect it, perhaps in its actual current working environment, before you commit to buy.

-Having a pre owned machine should make it no less reliable than a brand new one. In fact, it proves its reliability, plus you often have the option to have it refurbished first before you take it away.


At Challenger, we have detailed information and history available for all our second hand equipment and are honest and upfront so you know exactly what you are getting. If you can’t find what you are looking for currently, come back soon as we will have more available in the near future!